Post by Mimi on Nov 13, 2022 1:17:43 GMT 3
These rules apply to all forum sections and sub forums(with the exception on certain rules to certain sub-forums that will be explained in the future). Admins and Moderators are allowed to edit/delete/lock/ any content if the post or comment is found violating the code of conduct. These are behaviors expected of you and what behavior you can expect from other community members. Note that all unacceptable behavior may not be addressed officially on this thread. As such, the forum administrator and moderators shall have full discretion to address any behavior that they feel is inappropriate.
Racial/Ethnic, Religion, Gender, Sexuality.
* Any offensive post or thread relating to what has been stated above shall be removed with no further warning.
* Any offensive display name/signature/avatar will be removed with no further notice by the Administrators. Warning shall be issued, depending on the image or text a temporary ban may be issued.
* Do not behave in a malicious manner to start up controversy, cyber-bullying is un-welcomed.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, be issued a warning and asked to re-read our forum rules carefully.
* Failing to comply with this rule several times will result in an IP ban.
[Please note, stating a certain religious belief or expressing it is NOT considered an offense to other religions.]
Illegal Drugs or Activities
* Reference to abusing illegal drugs, reference to performing illegal activities will not be tolerated.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, be issued a warning and asked to re-read our forum rules carefully.
* Failing to comply with this rule several times will result in an IP ban.
Extreme Sexuality/Sexual Preference/Violence/Obscene/Vulgar
* Refer to extreme and/or violent sexual acts, pornography, innuendos in a thread / post/ display-name / signature / avatar is not welcome. Admins reserve the right to change any personal information that violates any rules on our forum.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / avatar / signature / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Inappropriate language
* Players are asked to always post in English, however, please keep it clean.
* Players are asked to not in any case use vulgar or in tolerate language, which includes any type of profanity or offensive slur.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / avatar / signature / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Distribution of Real Life Personal Information
* Releasing any real-life information about other players is prohibited. Any post exposing sensitive information about a person will be immediately removed.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* Be permanently banned from accessing the forum.
Impersonating a GM / Administrator / Moderator.
* Passing yourself off as a game / forum / discord staff member is prohibited.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Posting Cheats, Hacks, Trojan Horses, or Malicious Programs
* Posting links to cheats, hacks, or malicious viruses / programs, with the exception of reporting an issue to the developers, which can be posted in Bugs and Issues.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Mini-Modding / Necro Posting / Plagiarism.
* Mini modding is strictly forbidden for users. If any mistakes are found please use the report button and a Moderator will take action as soon as possible.
* Do not necro-post (posting in an old thread that has been un-active for more than 4 months).
* Users are asked to please respect copyright of any media , users etc.
Plagiarism is not accepted in any case.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Spamming and Trolling / Advertisement
The following behaviors are considered to be spam and will not be tolerated :-
* Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
* Making non-constructive posts
* Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
* Double Posting. (Posting before someone else has replied by 24 hours, please use the edit function if your previous post is missing information)
* Advertising of anything un-related to the server or a service will not be tolerated. Advertising for other social platforms or forums is prohibited.
If a player is found to have been spamming or trolling, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Scamming or Hacking
* Any attempt in scamming with a service or trade will be punishable.
* Asking for account information is not accepted. With the exception of authorized service sellers.
If a player is found violating this rule he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / thread.
The player's display name will also be placed in the scammer list.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Racial/Ethnic, Religion, Gender, Sexuality.
* Any offensive post or thread relating to what has been stated above shall be removed with no further warning.
* Any offensive display name/signature/avatar will be removed with no further notice by the Administrators. Warning shall be issued, depending on the image or text a temporary ban may be issued.
* Do not behave in a malicious manner to start up controversy, cyber-bullying is un-welcomed.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, be issued a warning and asked to re-read our forum rules carefully.
* Failing to comply with this rule several times will result in an IP ban.
[Please note, stating a certain religious belief or expressing it is NOT considered an offense to other religions.]
Illegal Drugs or Activities
* Reference to abusing illegal drugs, reference to performing illegal activities will not be tolerated.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, be issued a warning and asked to re-read our forum rules carefully.
* Failing to comply with this rule several times will result in an IP ban.
Extreme Sexuality/Sexual Preference/Violence/Obscene/Vulgar
* Refer to extreme and/or violent sexual acts, pornography, innuendos in a thread / post/ display-name / signature / avatar is not welcome. Admins reserve the right to change any personal information that violates any rules on our forum.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / avatar / signature / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Inappropriate language
* Players are asked to always post in English, however, please keep it clean.
* Players are asked to not in any case use vulgar or in tolerate language, which includes any type of profanity or offensive slur.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / avatar / signature / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Distribution of Real Life Personal Information
* Releasing any real-life information about other players is prohibited. Any post exposing sensitive information about a person will be immediately removed.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* Be permanently banned from accessing the forum.
Impersonating a GM / Administrator / Moderator.
* Passing yourself off as a game / forum / discord staff member is prohibited.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Posting Cheats, Hacks, Trojan Horses, or Malicious Programs
* Posting links to cheats, hacks, or malicious viruses / programs, with the exception of reporting an issue to the developers, which can be posted in Bugs and Issues.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Mini-Modding / Necro Posting / Plagiarism.
* Mini modding is strictly forbidden for users. If any mistakes are found please use the report button and a Moderator will take action as soon as possible.
* Do not necro-post (posting in an old thread that has been un-active for more than 4 months).
* Users are asked to please respect copyright of any media , users etc.
Plagiarism is not accepted in any case.
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Spamming and Trolling / Advertisement
The following behaviors are considered to be spam and will not be tolerated :-
* Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
* Making non-constructive posts
* Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
* Double Posting. (Posting before someone else has replied by 24 hours, please use the edit function if your previous post is missing information)
* Advertising of anything un-related to the server or a service will not be tolerated. Advertising for other social platforms or forums is prohibited.
If a player is found to have been spamming or trolling, he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / thread.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.
Scamming or Hacking
* Any attempt in scamming with a service or trade will be punishable.
* Asking for account information is not accepted. With the exception of authorized service sellers.
If a player is found violating this rule he/she will:
* First time, a warning will be issued a long with removal of the post / thread.
The player's display name will also be placed in the scammer list.
* Second time, action will be taken such as a temporary ban / permanent IP ban depending on the situation.